Consultant Ophthalmic, Oculoplastic & Orbitofacial Surgeon Miss Fiona Irvine MBBS, FRCOphth
Fiona Irvine is a full time Consultant at The Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in Exeter specialising in all aspects of eyelid, lacrimal and orbital disease as well as general ophthalmology. Fiona set up the oculoplastic service there 11 years ago which provides oculoplastic, orbital, lacrimal and paediatric services for the South West. She has run a private practice in parallel carrying out many procedures including aesthetic procedures such as upper and lower lid blepharoplasties.
Fiona qualified from the Royal Free Hospital Medical School in London and pursued a career in Ophthalmology doing her foundation surgical training in Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge and higher surgical training at The Tennent’s Institute in Glasgow. She then gained the world-renowned fellowship in oculoplastics, orbital and lacrimal surgery with Mr Alan McNab in Melbourne, Australia. Thereafter she set up an oculoplastics service as a Consultant in Northampton until finally returning to the South West as a Consultant in Exeter and setting up an oculoplastic service in Exeter.
Since her appointment as Consultant Ophthalmic, Oculoplastic and Orbitofacial Surgeon in 2007, Miss Irvine has performed over 400 specialist oculoplastic/orbital/lacrimal operations per year (plastic surgery operations around the eyes).
She has a good working relationship with colleagues in other specialties including dermatology, plastic surgery, maxillofacial surgery, radiology, histopathology, ENT surgery and oncology.
Miss Irvine also runs a renowned subspecialty training fellowship in oculoplastic, orbital and lacrimal surgery which has been running for 10 years, training surgeons from the UK and internationally, many of whom come from Australia and New Zealand following on from her previous training in Melbourne.
Miss Irvine is very approachable and honest. She believes that a thorough discussion and examination is essential to assess the complex changes around the eye and that it is paramount to pursue the correct surgery which will not compromise the eye, to give good advice and only consider surgery if it is right for the patient. Blepharoplasty is an excellent cosmetic procedure but it is important to restore the appearance and avoid an unnatural outcome. She aims to explain issues in detail and to create a relaxed environment during surgery and deliver anaesthesia so it is as pain free as possible. Her priority is to provide the best possible cosmetic outcomes, safely.
Oculoplastic Surgeon OR Plastic Surgeon?
- Eyelids are a highly specialised anatomical area with essential functional aspects to protect the eye. Thorough eye assessment can only be carried out with an Ophthalmologist to assess for dry eye, eyelid disease and orbital changes.
- Oculoplastic Surgeons have specialised in the eye area alone and have specialist equipment for detailed assessment and specialist knowledge of the correct surgery required.
- Oculoplastic Surgeons can manage co existing problems such as drooping of the upper lid or dry or watering eye issues.
- Oculoplastic Surgeons do not carry out facelifts/ neck surgery /breast surgery or tummy tucks.
- Oculoplastic Surgeons have the interests of the eye and the periorbital area, and cosmetic appearance, as their priority.
Price List
Prices correct as of 31/05/2024
Consultation Prices
New patient consultation (procedure code 20300) £275
Follow up (procedure code 20310) £160
Procedures – Eyelid Lesions
Excision of lesion of eyelid – (procedure code C1210) £1,147 – £2079
Excision of lesion of canthus (procedure code C1110) £2,507
Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion of eyelid (procedure code C1230) £1,716
Biopsy of lesion of eyelid (procedure code C2220) £1,938
Procedures – Eyelid Surgery (Prices are per eye unless otherwise stated)
Bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty (procedure code C1340) £3,830*
Bilateral lower lid blepharoplasty (procedure code C1340) £5,530*
Bilateral upper and lower lid blepharoplasty (procedure code C1340) £8,530*
Correction of lower lid ectropion without skin graft (procedure code C1512) £2,379
Correction of lower lid ectropion with skin graft (procedure code C1513) £2,800
Correction of entropion (procedure code C1522) £2,010
Correction of ptosis (procedure code C1812) £2,776
Procedures – Lacrimal
Punctal plug (procedure code C2920) £116
Syringing of lacrimal system (procedure code C2650) £1,504
Puncto-canaliculoplasty (procedure code C2910) £1,917
Dacryocystorhinostomy at the West of England Eye Unit (procedure code C2540) – Surgeon fee £1897, plus facility fee charged separately by the hospital (Guide price £2310, if pre-op required additional £425), plus £375 anaesthetic fee (charged separately). If an overnight stay is required the hospital will charge an extra £410.
Correction of trichiasis by electrolysis/diathermy (procedure code C1532) £1,046
Treatment of pterygium or pinguecula (procedure code C3960) £2,199
Additional Costs
Sedation – from £350
* Sedation for blepharoplasty procedure:
Bilateral upper and lower lid £850
Bilateral upper or lower lid £450
Histology – £200