A detached retina causes a sudden loss of part or all of your vision in the affected eye. It is caused by the retina (the focusing surface at the back of your eye) coming away from the back wall of the eye.
Retinal detachment surgery is required in almost all cases and should be carried out as a matter of urgency.
Every detached retina is different and our specialists at Exeter Eye will be able to recommend the best treatment for you. In most cases your surgeon will recommend a vitrectomy where the retina is ‘flattened’ surgically. During this procedure a laser is used to seal the hole in the retina and a bubble of air is inserted to prevent liquid getting behind the retina while it reattaches.
Occasionally your surgeon will use a ‘scleral buckle’ either instead of, or as well as, a vitrectomy. This involves using a small piece of silicone to push the retina flat from outside, without the need for an internal operation.
Once your retina is successfully reattached your vision is likely to improve. However, if the centre of the retina has been detached vision may never return fully. Furthermore, the longer the retina remains detached, the worse the final visual result after surgery is likely to be. It is therefore essential to seek medical help as quickly as possible if you suspect you have a torn or detached retina.
The very best patient care and comfort
Our experienced ophthalmic surgeons will be with you every step of the way and provide support and advice after your treatment.
Make an appointment today
Exeter Eye is a specialist ophthalmic eye clinic treating all eye conditions and offering the very best in patient care and comfort. We always ensure we fully understand your condition and lifestyle before identifying your treatment options and then help you choose the best one for you.
For more information or to discuss retinal detachment surgery, make an appointment with one of our eye specialists today. Simply fill out an enquiry form or call Exeter Eye on 01392 699969.
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