‘Tecnis Specialist’ study – the next generation of intraocular lens (IOL)            

AMO Tecnis Specialist lens implant is a premium lens to reduce the need for glasses for distance, intermediate and near vision offered by Exeter Eye.

A new study undertaken by the International Multicenter Concerto, comprised of 411 patients analysing the clinical outcomes of a new extended range of IOL.  The study examined visual performance, spectacle independence, patient and surgeon satisfaction. Photic phenomena were also analysed during the four to six-month follow-up in over forty clinical centres across Europe.

Overall the results were positive, with the extended range of vision IOL providing successful visual restoration across all distances after cataract surgery, with a minimal level of disturbing photic phenomena and high levels of patient satisfaction.

Indeed more than 91 percent of patients said they would recommend the same procedure to their friends and family.

Exeter Eye will keep you up-to-date with any further developments as soon as they become available.

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For further information on the Tecnis Specialist study click here, visit our Specialist lens page or speak to our ophthalmic surgeons at Exeter Eye on 01392 699969 about our state-of-the-art lens implants.

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