Tear duct obstruction occurs when the drainage system for your tears becomes partially or completely blocked. Tears are essential for keeping your eyes moist, comfortable, and healthy.
They are produced in the lacrimal glands above your eyes and drain through tiny ducts in the corners of your eyelids, eventually emptying into your nose. When these ducts become blocked, tears can’t drain properly, leading to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. This blockage can occur at any point along the tear drainage pathway.
Tear Duct Obstruction Symptoms
The most common symptom of a blocked tear duct is excessive tearing, even when you’re not crying. Your eyes might feel watery and irritated, and you may experience a gritty sensation, as if something is in your eye. Other symptoms can include redness of the eye, pain or swelling in the inner corner of the eye or nose, blurred vision, and frequent eye infections. In some cases, a sticky discharge may also be present. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to consult with an eye doctor for a proper diagnosis.
View VideoCauses of Tear Duct Obstruction
Tear duct obstruction can be caused by a variety of factors. In newborns, it’s often due to an underdeveloped tear duct that usually resolves on its own within the first few months of life. In adults, common causes include age-related changes that narrow the tear ducts, chronic sinus infections, eye injuries, previous eye surgeries, and certain medications. Inflammatory conditions like conjunctivitis can also lead to blockages. Less frequently, tumors or cysts near the tear ducts can be the culprit.
Treatment for Tear Duct Obstruction
Treatment for tear duct obstruction depends on the cause and severity of the blockage. In some infants, gentle massage of the tear duct and observation may be all that’s needed. For more persistent cases or in adults, treatment options range from non-surgical methods like warm compresses and antibiotic eye drops for infections, to minimally invasive procedures. One such procedure is Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery which creates a new drainage pathway for tears, bypassing the blocked portion of the tear duct.
To discuss any of the above symptoms book a consultation for an expert diagnosis to look at the possible treatment options by calling us on 01392 699969 or contact us online.
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